The Bioplatforms Australia Framework Initiatives are national collaborative projects that use integrated ‘omics infrastructure to generate high-impact data and knowledge resources in support of some of Australia’s biggest scientific challenges.
Below is a summary of the genomic resources generated, aiming to provide reference genomes of Australian fauna and flora species, and population genetic datasets.
Additional resources, not listed here, are available through the data portal, including microbial genomic resources and other 'omics datasets. We encourage you to use the search feature to explore the full content of this portal.
- Blue dots (hyperlink) provide a direct link to the page containing the referential dataset for the specified species. Some species “planned” and “in progress” may return an empty search.
- NA: not available at the time of update
- Size (Gb): the size of the genome provided is extracted from the reference genome assembly when available, or estimated from previous experiments. “nd” not determined
- BioProjectID: the NCBI ID provided relates to datasets that have been prepared by Bioplatforms initiative activities. This summary does not present NCBI BioProject IDs related to the listed species when the dataset has not received support from Bioplatforms
See the About page for more information.
Common Name | Scientific name | Taxonomic group | Bioplatforms initiative | Project lead | Primary datasets | Omics strategy | Genome assembly | Size (Gb) | Project sequencing status | BioProjectID | Metabolomics | Proteomics |