Australian Microbiome Amplicons ITS 102.100.100/401604 KG28C

Newnes State Forest. 10.9km north east of Wallerawang. 16.8 km north of Lithgow. Plot is 400m from original BATS plot due to precipitous nature of that site., ITS MiSeq

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Resource Permissions organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:90:am-consortium-members
Access Control Date 2022-09-27
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type illumina-amplicons
Related Data doi:10.25953/m54v-9b20
am_environment Soil
ammonium_nitrogen_wt (mg/kg) 7.0
ammonium_nitrogen_wt_meth meth_2.1
amplicon ITS
analysis_software MiSeq Reporter
analytical_platform MiSeq
bioplatforms_dataset_id 102.100.100/401942
bioplatforms_project Australian Microbiome Initiative (AM)
bioplatforms_project_code AM0025
biotic_relationship Free-living
boron_hot_cacl2 (mg/kg) 0.49
boron_hot_cacl2_meth meth_2.1
ccg_jira_ticket BPAOPS-1293
collection_date 2021-11-23T00:00:00
collection_permit SL102523
color DKBR
color_meth meth_2.1
conductivity (dS/m) 0.022
conductivity_meth meth_2.1
crop_rotation_1yr_since_present No crop
crop_rotation_2yrs_since_present No crop
crop_rotation_3yrs_since_present No crop
crop_rotation_4yrs_since_present No crop
crop_rotation_5yrs_since_present No crop
data_type ITS
dataset_id 102.100.100/401942
date_of_transfer 2022-06-29
date_of_transfer_to_archive 2022-06-30
depth (m) 0.0
depth_lower (m) 0.1
depth_upper (m) 0.0
description MiSeq data package
dilution_used Neat
dtpa_copper (mg/kg) 0.28
dtpa_copper_meth meth_2.1
dtpa_iron (mg/kg) 104.1
dtpa_iron_meth meth_2.1
dtpa_manganese (mg/kg) 3.97
dtpa_manganese_meth meth_2.1
dtpa_zinc (mg/kg) 0.29
dtpa_zinc_meth meth_2.1
env_broad_scale 1 Conservation and Natural Environments
env_local_scale 1.1.3 National park
env_medium Soil [ENVO_00001998]
exc_aluminium (meq/100g) 2.66
exc_aluminium_meth meth_2.1
exc_calcium (meq/100g) 0.59
exc_calcium_meth meth_2.1
exc_magnesium (meq/100g) 0.29
exc_magnesium_meth meth_2.1
exc_potassium (meq/100g) 0.17
exc_potassium_meth meth_2.1
exc_sodium (meq/100g) 0.04
exc_sodium_meth meth_2.1
flow_id KG28C
folder_name 20220617_AM_ITS_UNSW_KG28C_updated
funding_agency Australian Microbiome Initiative; Australian Research Council
geo_loc_name Australia:New South Wales
gravel (%) 0
gravel_meth meth_2.1
lat_lon (decimal_degrees) -33.3294 150.13972
latitude (decimal_degrees) -33.3294
local_class Kandosol
local_class_meth meth_2.27
longitude (decimal_degrees) 150.13972
nitrate_nitrogen (mg/kg) 1e-10
nitrate_nitrogen_meth meth_2.1
omics Genomics
organic_carbon (%) 2.29
organic_carbon_meth meth_2.1
pass_fail P
pcr_plate_name MAZ10493_ITS_P1&P2_SetB
ph 4.3
ph_meth meth_2.1
ph_solid_h2o 5.2
ph_solid_h2o_meth meth_2.1
phosphorus_colwell (mg/kg) 3.0
phosphorus_colwell_meth meth_2.1
potassium_colwell (mg/kg) 67.0
potassium_colwell_meth meth_2.1
profile_position Lower slope
reads 87307.0
samp_collect_device meth_1.1
sample_attribution Jeff Powell; Western Sydney University
sample_database_file AM_db_v4.2_202402091224.db
sample_id 102.100.100/401604
sample_metadata_ingest_date 2022-12-08 08:12:16
sample_metadata_ingest_file Sample_submission_sheet_soil_20221207_schema_v3_vocab_2_0_3_AM0025_Powell_xlsx
sample_site_location_description Newnes State Forest. 10.9km north east of Wallerawang. 16.8 km north of Lithgow. Plot is 400m from original BATS plot due to precipitous nature of that site.
sample_submitter Jeff Powell
sample_type Soil
sequencing_facility Ramaciotti
source_mat_id 102.100.100/401604
store_cond frozen
sulphur (mg/kg) 4.4
sulphur_meth meth_2.1
synonyms AMI005-0
target ITS
texture 2.0
texture_meth meth_2.1
ticket BPAOPS-1293
utc_date_sampled 2021-11-23
vegetation_type Woodland