Northern Dwarf Crowned Snake|Cacophis churchilli||Northern Dwarf Crowned Snake|Animalia|Elapidae, Phylogenomics, Illumina Capture, unknown
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Field | Value |
Geospatial Coverage |
Dataset extentMap tiles & Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY SA.
Resource Permissions | organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:365:ausarg-consortium-members |
Access Control Date | 2023-11-04 |
Access Control Mode | date |
Sequence Data Type | Illumina Capture |
access_rights | No restrictions |
ala_specimen_url | |
analysis_software | Bcl2Fastq |
ancillary_notes | NA |
associated_media | NA |
barcode_id | unknown |
base_url | |
certainty | NA |
class | Reptilia |
collection_date | 1998-08-18 |
collection_method | unknown |
collector | unknown |
collector_sample_id | unknown |
common_name | Northern Dwarf Crowned Snake|Cacophis churchilli||Northern Dwarf Crowned Snake|Animalia|Elapidae |
coord_uncertainty_metres | unknown |
country | Australia |
data_context | Phylogenomics |
data_custodian | Damien Esquerre |
data_type | Illumina Capture |
dataset_id | 102.100.100/351851 |
dataset_url | WAS BPAOPS-1337 |
date_of_transfer | 2022-11-04 |
date_of_transfer_to_archive | 2022-11-08 |
decimal_latitude_public | -19.1667 |
decimal_longitude_public | 146.85 |
description | Short reads |
dna_treatment | 15 biorupter cycles |
experimental_design | Capture probes |
facility | BRF |
facility_project_code | NA |
family | Elapidae |
file_type | FASTQ |
flowcell_id | HLYLYDRX2 |
flowcell_type | Novaseq S1 |
folder_name | 20221104_AusARG_BRF_351851_HLYLYDRX2 |
genotypic_sex | not determined |
genus | Cacophis |
habitat | unknown |
identified_by | unknown |
insert_size_range | 150bp PE |
institution_name | South Australian Museum |
latitude | -19.17 |
library_comments | NA |
library_construction_protocol | NEXTFLEX_2.0_RapidDNASeq |
library_id | 102.100.100/413969 |
library_index_id | p7_UDI_0991 |
library_index_id_dual | p5_UDI_0991 |
library_index_seq | CGACGCGCGG |
library_index_seq_dual | GACCGCATCA |
library_layout | paired end |
library_location | ANU EBL Freezer |
library_ng_ul | 1.2 |
library_pcr_cycles | 12 |
library_pcr_reps | 2 |
library_prep_date | 2022-09-13 |
library_prepared_by | Liz Broady/Leo Tedeschi |
library_selection | Hybrid Selection |
library_source | GENOMIC |
library_strategy | Targeted-Capture |
library_type | Exon capture |
lifestage | unknown |
location_generalisation | 1km |
location_text | Nelly Bay, Magnetic Island |
longitude | 146.85 |
material_conc_ng_ul | 7.164 |
material_extracted_by | Damien Esquerre |
material_extraction_date | 2022-07-26 |
material_extraction_method | Qiagen Silica Column Extraction |
material_extraction_type | DNA |
metadata_revision_date | 2023-03-14 |
metadata_revision_filename | AusARG_Metadata_master_QCIF_20230314.xlsx |
method_of_determination | not determined |
n_libraries_pooled | 192 |
order | Squamata |
phenotypic_sex | not determined |
phylum | Chordata |
prior_genetics | unknown |
project_aim | Phylogenomics |
sample_custodian | Scott Keogh |
sample_id | 102.100.100/411495 |
sample_quality | unknown |
sequencing_facility | Biomolecular Research Facility - ANU |
sequencing_kit_chemistry_version | 300 cycles |
sequencing_model | NovaSeq 6000 |
sequencing_platform | Illumina |
source_population | NA |
species | churchilli |
species_name | Cacophis churchilli |
specimen_id | SAMA ABTC82294 |
specimen_id_description | South Australian Museum Australian Biological Tissue Collection |
state_or_region | Queensland |
subspecies | Cacophis churchilli |
taxon_id | 505433 |
taxonomic_group | reptile |
ticket | BPAOPS-1370 |
tissue_collection | South Australian Museum Australian Biological Tissue Collection |
tissue_number | ABTC82294 |
tissue_preservation | ethanol |
tissue_type | unknown |
type_status | unknown |
voucher_or_tissue_number | ABTC82294 |
wild_captive | wild |
work_order | 13055 |