Ornate Burrowing Frog, Reference Genome, Illumina-HiC, Liver
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Field | Value |
Resource Permissions | organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:365:ausarg-consortium-members |
Access Control Date | 2022-06-11 |
Access Control Mode | date |
Sequence Data Type | illumina-hic |
access_rights | No restrictions |
ala_specimen_url | unknown |
analysis_software | Bcl2Fastq |
ancillary_notes | NA |
associated_media | NA |
barcode_id | unknown |
base_url | https://downloads-qcif.bioplatforms.com/bpa/ausarg_staging/genomics-hi-c/BPAOPS-1081/20210513_AusARG_BRF_DD2M2/ |
bioplatforms_dataset_id | 351741 |
bioplatforms_library_id | 350752, 350764, 350769, 350768, 350781, 350821 |
bioplatforms_sample_id | 349751, 349763, 349765, 349764, 349775, 349811 |
certainty | certain |
class | Amphibia |
collection_date | 2020-12-08 |
collection_method | by hand |
collector | Simon Clulow |
collector_sample_id | NA |
common_name | Ornate Burrowing Frog |
coord_uncertainty_metres | 10.0 |
country | Australia |
data_context | Reference Genome |
data_custodian | Renee Catullo |
data_type | Illumina-HiC |
dataset_id | 102.100.100/351741 |
date_of_transfer | 2021-06-11 |
date_of_transfer_to_archive | 2021-06-11 |
death_date | 2020-12-21 |
decimal_latitude_public | -29.283158 |
decimal_longitude_public | 153.013391 |
description | HiC-QC |
dna_treatment | FA crosllinking restriction enzymes and sonication |
experimental_design | Arima HiC 2.0 single index |
facility | BRF |
facility_sample_id | 350752_DD2M2_GCCAAT |
family | Limnodynastidae |
file_type | FASTQ |
flowcell_id | DD2M2 |
flowcell_type | Miseq Nano |
folder_name | 20210513_AusARG_BRF_DD2M2 |
genotypic_sex | not determined |
genus | Platyplectrum |
identified_by | Simon Clulow |
insert_size_range | 650.0 |
institution_name | University of Canberra |
latitude | -29.283158 |
library_comments | Concentration and size was assesd by Bioanalyzer and Qubit |
library_construction_protocol | Arima HiC 2.0 |
library_id | 350752 |
library_index_id | Index 6 |
library_index_seq | GCCAAT |
library_layout | paired end |
library_location | Freezer at BRF |
library_ng_ul | 1.1 |
library_pcr_cycles | 8 |
library_pcr_reps | 1 |
library_prepared_by | Max Nekrasov |
library_selection | Restriction Digest |
library_source | GENOMIC |
library_strategy | Hi-C |
library_type | HiC-QC |
lifestage | adult |
location_text | Whiporie 1 |
longitude | 153.013391 |
metadata_revision_date | 2023-03-14 |
metadata_revision_filename | AusARG_Metadata_master_QCIF_20230314.xlsx |
method_of_determination | internal examination |
n_libraries_pooled | 6 |
order | Anura |
phenotypic_sex | male |
phylum | Chordata |
prior_genetics | unknown |
project_aim | Reference genome |
sample_custodian | Arthur Georges |
sample_id | 102.100.100/349751 |
sample_quality | high |
scientific_name | Platyplectrum ornatum/Chelodina expansa/Bassiana duperreyi/Pogona vitticeps/Tiliqua rugosa/(Emydura macquarii?) |
sequencing_facility | BRF |
sequencing_kit_chemistry_version | 300 cycles |
sequencing_model | Illumina MiSeq |
sequencing_platform | ILLUMINA |
species | ornatum |
specimen_id | SCL_006 |
specimen_id_description | University of Canberra |
state_or_region | New South Wales |
subspecies | marmoratum |
taxon_id | 2741728 |
taxonomic_group | frog |
ticket | BPAOPS-1081 |
tissue_collection | Arthur Georges Lab |
tissue_number | SC043 |
tissue_preservation | frozen |
tissue_type | Liver |
type_status | no |
voucher_or_tissue_number | SC043 |
wild_captive | wild |
work_order | 13015 |