Green-eyed tree frog, Reference genome, Illumina-shortread, toe disc

Hylidae, Ranoidea (Litoria) serrata, TBC, frog

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Field Value
Resource Permissions organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:365:ausarg-consortium-members
Access Control Date 2022-06-24
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type Illumina-shortread
access_rights No restrictions
ala_specimen_url unknown
analysis_software Bcl2fastq2
analysis_software_version v2.20
ancillary_notes in amplexus with CONX5984 when collected, 50 tadpoles from this mating are sampled in ethanol
associated_media NA
barcode_id unknown
bioplatforms_dataset_id 102.100.100/351750
bioplatforms_library_id 102.100.100/350774
bioplatforms_sample_id 102.100.100/349770
certainty high
class Amphibia
collection_date 2021-02-26
collection_method spotlighting
collector Conrad Hoskin | Lorenzo Bertola | James Cook University
collector_sample_id CONX5985
common_name Green-eyed tree frog
coord_uncertainty_metres unknown
country Australia
data_context Reference genome
data_custodian Megan Higgie
data_type Illumina-shortread
dataset_id 102.100.100/351750
date_of_transfer 2021-06-24
date_of_transfer_to_archive 2021-06-24
death_date 2021-02-28
decimal_latitude_public -17.53946
decimal_longitude_public 145.68899
description Short reads
experimental_design IlluminaSR 250bpPE 500bp insert
facility UNSW
facility_project_code Q0005371
facility_sample_id HIG9100A1
family Hylidae
flowcell_id HF7CFDRXY
flowcell_type NovaSeq SP
folder_name 20210621_AusARG_UNSW_HF7CFDRXY
genotypic_sex not determined
genus Ranoidea (Litoria)
habitat tropical mixed forest biome
identified_by Conrad Hoskin
insert_size_range 550.0
institution_name James Cook University
latitude -17.53946
library_comments 60x (heterogametic animal)
library_construction_protocol Illumina DNA PCR-Free
library_id 102.100.100/350774
library_index_id UDP0169-UDP0169B_A10
library_location UNSW
library_ng_ul 3.91
library_prep_date 2021-06-08
library_prepared_by Ramaciotti Centre
library_status Library sequenced
library_type WGA
lifestage prime adult stage
location_text Tributary of North Johnstone River, 200 m north-east from Mungalli Creek Dairy Café, Brooks Rd, Mungalli,
longitude 145.68899
material_extracted_by Lorenzo Bertola
material_extraction_date 2021-03-05
material_extraction_method chloroform (CTAB)
material_extraction_type DNA
metadata_revision_date 2023-03-14
metadata_revision_filename AusARG_Metadata_master_QCIF_20230314.xlsx
method_of_determination presence of nuptial pads
n_libraries_pooled 1
order Anura
phenotypic_sex male
phylum Chordata
prior_genetics unknown
project_aim Reference genome
sample_custodian Megan Higgie | Conrad Hoskin
sample_id 102.100.100/349770
sample_quality freshly sampled
scientific_name Ranoidea (Litoria) serrata
sequencing_facility UNSW
sequencing_platform Illumina NovaSeq 6000
source_population Australia, Queensland, Wet Tropics, Atherton tablelands
species serrata
specimen_id TBC
specimen_id_description Queensland Museum
state_or_region Queensland
subspecies southern lineage
taxon_id 143878
taxonomic_group frog
ticket BPAOPS-1097
tissue_collection Adaptation Lab (Higgie & Hoskin)
tissue_number CONX5982
tissue_preservation frozen | -20C | ethanol
tissue_type toe disc
type_status unknown
voucher_or_tissue_number CONX5985
wild_captive wild
work_order 13016