Eastern Three-lined Skink, None, ONT-promethion, muscle/skin
Dataset size is: 0.00 Bit
Data and Resources
350782_PAG18312_AusARG_Ramaciott... Metadata Only TAR
350782_PAG18312_AusARG_Ramaciott... Metadata Only TAR
350782_PAG18312_AusARG_Ramaciott... Metadata Only TAR
350782_PAG18312_AusARG_Ramaciott... Metadata Only TAR
350782_PAG18312_AusARG_Ramaciott... Metadata Only TAR
350782_AusARG_RamaciottiGarvan_P... Metadata Only XLSX
350782_PAG18312_AusARG_Ramaciott... Metadata Only TAR
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Additional Info Show Blank Fields
Field | Value |
Resource Permissions | organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:365:ausarg-consortium-members |
Access Control Date | 2022-03-18 |
Access Control Mode | date |
Sequence Data Type | ont-promethion |
analysis_software | guppy_version 4.0.11+f1071ce |
analysis_software_version | guppy_version 4.0.11+f1071ce |
ausarg_project | Reference Genome |
base_url | https://downloads-qcif.bioplatforms.com/bpa/ausarg_staging/promethion/BPAOPS-1047/20210308_AusARG_RamaciottiGarvan_PAG18312/ |
cell_postion | 3E |
class | Reptilia |
common_name | Eastern Three-lined Skink |
data_custodian | Arthur Georges |
data_type | ONT-promethion |
dataset_id | 102.100.100/351760 |
date_of_transfer | 2021-03-18 |
date_of_transfer_to_archive | 2021-03-18 |
description | PromethION |
experimental_design | ONT PromethION |
facility_sample_id | PVXP031249 |
family | Scincidae |
flowcell_id | PAG18312 |
flowcell_type | PromethION (R9.4) |
folder_name | 20210308_AusARG_RamaciottiGarvan_PAG18312 |
genus | Bassiana |
library_construction_protocol | LSK109 |
library_id | 102.100.100/350782 |
library_location | BPA |
library_ng_ul | 325.0 |
library_pcr_cycles | 0 |
library_pcr_reps | 0 |
library_prep_date | 2021-02-22 |
library_prepared_by | Jill H. |
library_status | genomic DNA |
library_type | Ligation |
metadata_revision_date | 2023-03-14 |
metadata_revision_filename | AusARG_Metadata_master_QCIF_20230314.xlsx |
n_libraries_pooled | 1 |
order | Squamata |
phylum | Chordata |
sample_custodian | Arthur Georges |
sample_id | 102.100.100/349776 |
sequencing_facility | Ramaciotti/Garvan |
sequencing_platform | ONT PromethION |
species | duperreyi |
subspecies | NA |
taxon_id | 316450 |
ticket | BPAOPS-1047 |
tissue_type | muscle/skin |
work_order | 13010 |