GAP Illumina short read, Phylogenomics, 378110, Angiosperms353 bait kit

Drosera neesii Lehm., Droseraceae, Michelle Waycott

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Resource Permissions organization_member
Access Control Date 2023-06-27
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type illumina-shortread
analysissoftwareversion NovaSeq Control Software (NCS) v1.7.5 and Real Time Analysis (RTA) v3.4.4, DRAGEN BCL Convert 07.021.609.3.9.3
bait_set_name Angiosperms353 bait kit
bait_set_reference 10.1093/sysbio/syy086
ccg_jira_ticket BPAOPS-1290
country Australia
data_type Main dataset (AATOL Stage 2)
dataset_id 83690
date_data_published 28/06/2022
date_of_transfer 2022-06-27
date_of_transfer_to_archive 2022-06-27
decimal_latitude_public -27.758695
decimal_longitude_public 114.371976
description Illumina Short Read
facility AGRF
family Droseraceae
flow_cell_id HGLW3DRX2
folder_name 20220627_GAP_NGS_AGRF_CAGRF220310080_HGLW3DRX2
genomic_material_prepared_by AGRF (May2022)
herbarium_code AD
id_vetting_by J.G. Conran
id_vetting_date 2019-09-14
latitude -27.758695
library_construction_protocol NEBNext Ultra II FS DNA Library Prep with MyBaits Angiosperm 353 Capture
library_id 382919
longitude 114.371976
metadata_revision_date 2023-09-14
metadata_revision_filename 2023-09-07_Combined_plant_sample_metadata_forQCIF.xlsx
nagoya_protocol_compliance Yes
nagoya_protocol_permit_number CE006018, FT61000305
project_aim Phylogenomics
run_format 150PE
sample_id 102.100.100/378110
sample_submission_date 2022-05-18
sample_submitter_name Michelle Waycott
scientific_name Drosera neesii
scientific_name_authorship Lehm.
scientific_name_notes Species previously split into D. neesii Lehm. subsp. neesii and D. neesii subsp. borealis N.G.Marchant. If this older taxonomy is applied, this sample would be D. neesii subsp. borealis.
sequencer NovaSeq 6000
silica_gel Yes
silica_gel_id JGC 4102
silica_gel_pressed_sheet Independent silica collection made at time of voucher collection
state_or_territory Western Australia
ticket BPAOPS-1290
voucher_herbarium_catalog_number AD 289669
voucher_herbarium_collector_id J.G. Conran
voucher_herbarium_event_date 2019-09-14
voucher_herbarium_record_number JGC 4102