GAP Illumina short read, Phylogenomics, 378135, Angiosperms353 bait kit

Drosera macrantha subsp. planchonii (Hook.f. ex Planch.) N.G.Marchant, Droseraceae, Michelle Waycott

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Additional Info Show Blank Fields

Field Value
Resource Permissions organization_member
Access Control Date 2023-06-27
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type illumina-shortread
analysissoftwareversion NovaSeq Control Software (NCS) v1.7.5 and Real Time Analysis (RTA) v3.4.4, DRAGEN BCL Convert 07.021.609.3.9.3
bait_set_name Angiosperms353 bait kit
bait_set_reference 10.1093/sysbio/syy086
ccg_jira_ticket BPAOPS-1290
country Australia
data_type Main dataset (AATOL Stage 2)
dataset_id 83690
date_data_published 28/06/2022
date_of_transfer 2022-06-27
date_of_transfer_to_archive 2022-06-27
decimal_latitude_public -35.1664
decimal_longitude_public 139.1255
description Illumina Short Read
facility AGRF
family Droseraceae
flow_cell_id HGLW3DRX2
folder_name 20220627_GAP_NGS_AGRF_CAGRF220310080_HGLW3DRX2
genomic_material_prepared_by AGRF (May2022)
herbarium_code AD
id_vetting_by J.G. Conran
id_vetting_date 2021-11-02
latitude -35.1664
library_construction_protocol NEBNext Ultra II FS DNA Library Prep with MyBaits Angiosperm 353 Capture
library_id 382944
longitude 139.1255
metadata_revision_date 2023-09-14
metadata_revision_filename 2023-09-07_Combined_plant_sample_metadata_forQCIF.xlsx
nagoya_protocol_compliance Yes
nagoya_protocol_permit_number G25787-4
project_aim Phylogenomics
run_format 150PE
sample_id 102.100.100/378135
sample_submission_date 2022-05-18
sample_submitter_name Michelle Waycott
scientific_name Drosera macrantha subsp. planchonii
scientific_name_authorship (Hook.f. ex Planch.) N.G.Marchant
sequencer NovaSeq 6000
silica_gel Yes
silica_gel_id LTW 116
silica_gel_pressed_sheet Independent silica collection made at time of voucher collection
state_or_territory South Australia
ticket BPAOPS-1290
voucher_herbarium_catalog_number AD 286708
voucher_herbarium_collector_id L.T. Williamson
voucher_herbarium_event_date 2020-08-02
voucher_herbarium_record_number LTW 116