GAP ONT MinION, Reference genomes, 79639
Dataset size is: 27.50 GiB
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Additional Info Show Blank Fields
Field | Value |
Resource Permissions | organization_member |
Access Control Date | 2021-02-13 |
Access Control Mode | date |
Sequence Data Type | ont-minion |
bait_set_reference | not applicable |
base_url | |
ccg_jira_ticket | BPAOPS-887 |
cell_postion | - |
data_type | Pilot |
dataset_id | 83647 |
date_of_transfer | 2020-02-14 |
date_of_transfer_to_archive | 2020-02-14 |
description | MinION |
dna_extract | not applicable |
dna_extract_pressed_sheet | not applicable |
download | |
facility | AGRF |
family | Proteaceae |
flow_cell_id | FAL87718 |
flow_cell_type | MinION (R9.4.1) |
folder_name | 20200122_GAP_AGRF_FAL87718 |
genomic_material_preparation_date | 2019-07-19 |
genomic_material_preparation_process | Sorbitol Wash / CTAB extraction |
genomic_material_preparation_type | gDNA |
genomic_material_prepared_by | Patricia Lu-Irving | Samantha Yap |
herbarium_code | NSW |
id_vetting_by | Marlien van der Merwe | Herve Sauquet |
insert_size_range | >15 Kb |
library_construction_protocol | Ligation Sequencing Kit (SQK-LSK109) |
library_id | 102.100.100/81650 |
living_collections_catalog_number | not yet assigned |
living_collections_material_sample_rna | not applicable |
living_collections_record_number | T2021-0054 |
living_collections_recorded_by | no information |
location_notes | not applicable |
metadata_revision_date | 2023-09-14 |
metadata_revision_filename | 2023-09-07_Combined_plant_sample_metadata_forQCIF.xlsx |
nagoya_protocol_compliance | Yes |
nagoya_protocol_permit_number | SL100569 |
nanopore_software_version | MinKNOW version19.12.2, Guppy version 3.2.8 |
population_group | not applicable |
preservation_date_begin | 2019-05-30 |
preservation_temperature | −80°C (collected in liquid nitrogen) |
preservation_type | Freezing |
project_aim | Reference genomes |
sample_id | 102.100.100/79639 |
sample_submitter_email | |
sample_submitter_name | Jason Bragg |
scientific_name | Telopea speciosissima |
scientific_name_authorship | (Sm.) R.Br. |
sequencer | ONT MinION |
silica_gel_pressed_sheet | not applicable |
ticket | BPAOPS-887 |
voucher_herbarium_collector_id | Jason Bragg |
voucher_herbarium_record_number | NSW1024214 |