Wheat Pathogens Genomes

This dataset contains the genomic sequence from 10 fungal and 2 bacterial pathogen species. Among the pathogens sequenced are the causal agents of stripe rust, stem rust, tan spot, glume blotch, septoria leaf blotch, bare patch and crown rot/head blight. A total of 27 genomes will be made available.

The genomes were selected for analysis by a consortium of Australian wheat pathogen researchers from the following organisations:

  • Australian National University
  • Curtin University
  • Charles Sturt University
  • NSW Department of Primary industry
  • Grains Research and Development Corporation

For more information please visit: http://www.bioplatforms.com/wheat-defense/

Project Pages

Acknowledging the consortium

When using Wheat Defence Framework Initiative data, please acknowledge the Consortium and Bioplatforms Australia support using the following wording:

"We would like to acknowledge the contribution of Australian Wheat Pathogens Consortium (https://data.bioplatforms.com/organization/edit/bpa-wheat-pathogens-genomes) in the generation of data used in this publication. The Initiative is supported by funding from Bioplatforms Australia through the Australian Government National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)."