Plant Pathogen, Genomics, Illumina Shortread, Sample ID 394547
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Field | Value |
Resource Permissions | organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:425:pp-prj008 |
Access Control Date | 2024-09-21 |
Access Control Mode | date |
Sequence Data Type | illumina-shortread |
analysis_software | NovaSeq Control Software (NCS) v1.0.1.7385; Real Time Analysis (RTA) v4.0.5; Illumina DRAGEN BCL Convert 07.021.645.4.0.3 |
base_url | |
bioplatforms_dataset_id | 102.100.100/399014 |
bioplatforms_library_id | 102.100.100/396797 |
bioplatforms_project | Plant Pathogen Initiative |
bioplatforms_project_code | PP008_PVY |
bioplatforms_sample_id | 102.100.100/394547 |
ccg_jira_ticket | BPAOPS-1442 |
class | Stelpaviricetes |
collection_date | 2021-03-04 |
collector | David Lovelock |
common_name | PVY |
country | Australia |
data_context | Genomics |
data_type | Illumina short read |
date_data_published | 25/07/2023 |
date_of_transfer | 2023-07-24 |
date_of_transfer_to_archive | 2023-07-25 |
description | Illumina short read |
download | |
facility | AGRF |
facility_project_code | CAGRF221012485 |
facility_sample_id | 14281-1 |
family | Potyviridae |
flowcell_id | 225VVGLT3 |
flowcell_type | 10B |
folder_name | 20230724_PP_AGRF_225VVGLT3 |
genus | Potyvirus |
host_common_name | Potato |
host_family | Solanaceae |
host_organ | Leaves |
host_scientific_name | Solanum tuberosum |
host_status | Cultivated food staple |
host_symptom | Necrosis |
insert_size_range | 180.0 |
library_construction_protocol | TruSeq Stranded Total RNA with Ribo-Zero Plant |
library_id | 396797 |
library_index_id | UDI0034-F & UDI0034-R |
library_index_sequence | CGTTAGAA-TTCAGGTC |
library_layout | Paired-End |
library_location | AGRF Melbourne |
library_ng_ul | 5.37 |
library_pcr_cycles | 13 |
library_prep_date | 2023-06-21 |
library_prepared_by | Liana Johnson |
library_selection | Stranded RNA with rRNA Depletion |
library_source | Plant RNA |
library_strategy | Whole Transcriptome Sequencing |
library_type | RNASeq |
location_text | Crop field |
material_conc_ng_ul | 250.0 |
material_extracted_by | Alison Dann | Dept. Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania |
material_extraction_date | 2023-02-06 |
material_extraction_method | Spin column Kit |
material_extraction_type | RNA |
metadata_revision_date | 2024-01-16 |
metadata_revision_filename | 2024-01-16_Combined_Plant_Pathogen_sample_metadata_forQCIF_removelatlong_v2.xlsx |
order | Patatavirales |
phylum | Pisuviricota |
project_lead | Fiona Filardo | DAFQ |
sample_collection_type | Herbarium |
sample_custodian | Alison Dann | Dept. Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania |
sample_type | Plant tissue |
scientific_name | Potato virus Y |
scientific_name_authorship | K.M. Smith (1931) |
sequencing_facility | AGRF |
sequencing_kit_chemistry_version | 1.0 |
sequencing_model | X Plus |
sequencing_platform | NovaSeq |
species | Potato virus Y |
specimen_custodian | Victorian Plant Pathogen Herbarium (VPRI) |
specimen_id | 44370 |
specimen_id_description | Victorian Plant Pathogen Herbarium (VPRI) |
state_or_region | Tasmania |
taxon_id | 12216 |
taxonomic_group | Virus |
ticket | BPAOPS-1442 |
tissue | Leaf |
tissue_preservation | Freeze dried |
tissue_preservation_temperature | -80°C |
work_order | WO2002 |