Plant Pathogen, Genomics, Illumina Shortread, Sample ID 394855

Austropuccinia psidii, Peri Tobias | University of Sydney

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Field Value
Resource Permissions organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:365:pp-prj043
Access Control Date 2024-05-18
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type illumina-shortread
analysis_software Bcl2fastq2
ancillary_notes Syzygium luehmannii (F.Muell.) L.A.S.Johnson (host plant) vouchered at The National Herbarium of New South Wales. Voucher number:  1124137.
bait_set_name NA
bait_set_reference NA
bioplatforms_dataset_id 102.100.100/399021
bioplatforms_library_id 102.100.100/397106
bioplatforms_project Plant Pathogen Initiative
bioplatforms_project_code PP043_A_psidii_host
bioplatforms_sample_id 102.100.100/394855
ccg_jira_ticket BPAOPS-1392
cell_postion NA
class Pucciniomycetes
collection_date 2022-06-29
collection_method Sample taken at from controlled inoculation (14 June 2022) of plant. Diseased sample collected and stored in -80°C freezer 29th June 2022.
collector Peri Tobias
common_name Myrtle rust
country Australia
data_context Genomics
data_type Hi-C
date_data_published 22/05/2023
date_of_transfer 2023-05-19
date_of_transfer_to_archive 2023-05-22
description Illumina short read (Hi-C)
experimental_design NA
facility UNSW
facility_project_code UNSW
facility_sample_id TOB11898A1
family Sphaerophragmiaceae
fast5_compression NA
flowcell_id HCF2MDRX3
flowcell_type NovaSeq SP
folder_name 20230511_PP_UNSW_HCF2MDRX3_Q0010509_TOB11898
genus Austropuccinia
host_common_name Riberry
host_family Myrtaceae
host_organ Leaves
host_scientific_name Syzygium luehmannii (F.Muell.) L.A.S.Johnson
host_status Cultivated from myrtle rust screened experimental plants. Specific individual plant is highly suscepyible to myrtle rust and given the specimen ID number 51
host_symptom Rust pustules
insert_size_range 150 PE
library_construction_protocol Proximo_Fungal_v4.5
library_id 397106
library_index_id F1
library_index_id_dual F1
library_index_seq_dual AGTACAGG
library_index_sequence ACATTACC
library_layout paired end
library_location RAMAC
library_ng_ul 7.34
library_pcr_cycles 12
library_pcr_reps 0
library_prep_date 2023-04-03
library_prepared_by RAMAC
library_selection NA
library_source cross-linked fungal material
library_strategy Hi-C
library_type Phase Genomics Proximo HiC
material_conc_ng_ul 3-5 mg
material_extracted_by Jacob Downs - University of Sydney
material_extraction_method As per Ramiacottii instructions
material_extraction_type Formaldehyde cross-linked leaf material ground in liqud nitrogen and transported frozen to Ramiacottii.
metadata_revision_date 2024-01-16
metadata_revision_filename 2024-01-16_Combined_Plant_Pathogen_sample_metadata_forQCIF_removelatlong_v2.xlsx
model_base_caller NA
movie_length NA
n_libraries_pooled 4.0
order Pucciniales
phylum Basidiomycota
project_lead Peri Tobias | University of Sydney
sample_collection_type Infected Syzygium luehmannii plant
sample_custodian University of Sydney, Plant Breeding Institute, Cobbitty, NSW
sample_type Diseased plant
scientific_name Austropuccinia psidii
scientific_name_authorship (G. Winter) Beenken
sequencing_facility UNSW
sequencing_kit_chemistry_version NovaSeq v1.5
sequencing_model NovaSeq 6000
sequencing_platform Illumina
species psidii
specimen_custodian University of Sydney, Plant Breeding Institute, Cobbitty, NSW
specimen_id Au_3, culture no. 622 and accession 115012
specimen_id_description Pandemic strain myrtle rust
state_or_region NSW
taxon_id 181123
taxonomic_group Fungi
ticket BPAOPS-1392
tissue Leaf
tissue_preservation Frozen
tissue_preservation_temperature -80°C
work_order 20017