Plant Pathogen, Genomics, Illumina Shortread, Sample ID 395433

Phaeosphaeria avenaria f.sp. avenaria, Tara Garrard | SARDI

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Field Value
Resource Permissions organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:365:pp-prj029
Access Control Date 2024-09-10
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type illumina-shortread
analysis_software NovaSeq Control Software (NCS) v1.1.0.18335; Real Time Analysis (RTA) v4.6.2; Illumina DRAGEN BCL Convert 07.021.645.4.0.3
ancillary_notes 7 g
bioplatforms_dataset_id 102.100.100/399037
bioplatforms_library_id 102.100.100/397687
bioplatforms_project Plant Pathogen Initiative
bioplatforms_project_code PP029_P_avenaria
bioplatforms_sample_id 102.100.100/395433
ccg_jira_ticket BPAOPS-1471
class Dothideomycetes
collection_date 2021-11-02
collector Garrard, T.
common_name Oat septoria blotch
country Australia
data_context Genomics
data_type Illumina short read
date_data_published 12/09/2023
date_of_transfer 2023-09-11
date_of_transfer_to_archive 2023-09-11
decimal_latitude_public -34.24389
decimal_longitude_public 116.146653
description Illumina short read
facility AGRF
facility_project_code CAGRF230615345
facility_sample_id 14512-47
family Phaeosphaeriaceae
flowcell_id 22CFFJLT3
flowcell_type 10B-300
folder_name 20230911_PP_AGRF_CAGRF230615345_22CFFJLT3
genus Phaeosphaeria
host_common_name Oat
host_family Poaceae
host_organ Leaf
host_scientific_name Avena sativa
host_status Cereal grain
host_symptom Leaf blotch
insert_size_range 450 bp ± 75 bp
library_construction_protocol Illumina DNA PCR-Free Prep
library_id 397687
library_index_id UDP0047-F & UDP0047-R
library_index_sequence GTCCTGGATA-CGGTGGCGAA
library_layout Paired-End
library_location AGRF Melbourne
library_ng_ul 1.15
library_prep_date 2023-08-22
library_prepared_by Eleise Britt
library_selection PCR-Free Tagmentation
library_source DNA
library_strategy Whole-genome Sequencing
library_type WGS
location_text Manjimup
material_conc_ng_ul 14.6
material_extracted_by South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI)
material_extraction_date 2023-04-17
material_extraction_method Extracted using SARDI's Molecular Diagnostic Centre's proprietary DNA extraction method
material_extraction_type gDNA
metadata_revision_date 2024-01-16
metadata_revision_filename 2024-01-16_Combined_Plant_Pathogen_sample_metadata_forQCIF_removelatlong_v2.xlsx
order Pleosporales
phylum Ascomycota
project_lead Tara Garrard | SARDI
sample_custodian Tara Garrard | SARDI
scientific_name Phaeosphaeria avenaria f.sp. avenaria
scientific_name_authorship O.E. Erikss., (1967)
scientific_name_note NCBI:txid215456 is P. avenae f. sp. avenae
sequencing_facility AGRF
sequencing_model X Plus
sequencing_platform NovaSeq
species avenaria
specimen_custodian South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI)
specimen_id 190/21
specimen_id_description South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI)
state_or_region WA
sub_species f.sp. avenaria
taxon_id 215456
taxonomic_group Fungi
ticket BPAOPS-1471
work_order WO20028