Stemcell SingleCellRNASeq 29723-30106

Stemcell SingleCellRNASeq 29723-30106

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Field Value
analytical_platform Single Cell RNAseq
archive_ingestion_date 2017-06-16
bpa_dataset_id 102.100.100/52056
contextual_data_submission_date 2016-05-09
data_generated 2017-06-16
data_type FastQ
date_of_transfer 2017-06-14
description Stem Cell Transcriptome (
facility Ramaciotti
folder_name 20170523_UNSW_BPA_Stemcells_HJY5CBGX2
insert_size_range 200-900bp
library_construction_protocol optimised version of CEL-Seq2 (Hashimshony et al., 2016)
omics Transcriptomics
replicate_group_id Sort control - no sample_1
research_group Martin Pera
sample_id 102.100.100/29723
sample_id_range 29723-30106
sample_name Sort control - no sample
sample_submission_date 2016-05-09
sequencer NextSeq500
stem_cell_line PSC - Pluripotent stages
stem_cell_state Pluripotent stem cell state
submitter Kevin Lau
ticket BPAOPS-205
total_samples 384