Stemcell SingleCellRNASeq 32395-32778

Stemcell SingleCellRNASeq 32395-32778

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Field Value
archive_ingestion_date 2018-05-11
data_generated 2018-05-11
data_type FastQ
date_of_transfer 2018-04-10
description Stem Cell Transcriptome (
folder_name 20180222_UNSW_BPA_Stemcells_HLVK7BGX5
insert_size_range 200-1300bp
library_construction_protocol CelSeq2 protocol (March update Tamar with new 384 long CelSeq primers with with 24T's )
omics transcriptomics
sample_submission_date 2018-04-10
sequencer NextSeq500
ticket BPAOPS-544