Ghost bat, Transcriptome, Illumina FASTQ, Testis

Megadermatidae, Macroderma gigas, MG_PC43, Mammal, Project Lead: Nicola Hanrahan

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Resource Permissions organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:365:tsi-consortium-members
Access Control Date 2022-04-14
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type illumina-shortread
access_rights exact site coordinates should not be released to public as it is an important conservation site for ghost bats
analysis_software Bcl2fastq2
analysis_software_version v2.20
ancillary_notes The captured bat was clearly an older bat with very worn teeth, scarred wing membrane and a large notch missing from his ear.
associated_media photos,videos
ccg_jira_ticket BPAOPS-1062
certainty Certain
class Mammalia
collection_date 2020-09-23
collection_method A ghost bat was captured using a mist net in open woodland in the vicinity of a known roost. Bat was lured into the mist net using a playback protocol designed by Nicola Hanrahan during her PhD research. Bat was removed from net immediately and placed into a calico bag. The ghost bat was sedated by a trained vet to a workable sedation using isoflourane in a purpose-built chamber. Blood samples were taken using cranial vena cava venepuncture. The fully sedated bat was then euthanised using cervical dislocation. Once the bat was confirmed to be deceased, samples were taken from all identifiable organs, with the number of samples taken based on the size of the organ.
collector Nicola Hanrahan (Western Sydney University/Charles Darwin University), Simon Hollamby (Veterinary Surgeon; Territory Wildlife Park), Damian Stanioch (NT Parks & Wildlife), Sam Banks (Charles Darwin University), Brenton von Takach Dukai (Charles Darwin University)
collector_sample_id PC43
common_name Ghost bat
country Australia
data_context Transcriptome
data_custodian Nicola Hanrahan
data_type Illumina FASTQ
dataset_id 102.100.100/358738
date_of_transfer 2021-04-14
date_of_transfer_to_archive 2021-04-15
death_date 2020-09-23
facility_project_code Q0005470
facility_sample_id FAR9073A12
family Megadermatidae
flowcell_id H2KN2DRXY
flowcell_type NovaSeq S1
folder_name 20210414_TSI_UNSW_H2KN2DRXY
genus Macroderma
habitat Undulating hills, Open Eucalypt woodland, historic gold mining area with multiple mine shafts.
insert_size_range 160.0
institution_name Charles Darwin University
library_construction_protocol Illumina Stranded mRNA Prep Ligation
library_id 102.100.100/357635
library_index_id UDP0044-UDP0044A_D06
library_layout paired end
library_location UNSW
library_ng_ul 23.8
library_pcr_cycles 9.0
library_pcr_reps 1.0
library_prep_date 2021-04-07
library_prepared_by Caitriona Murray
library_selection PolyA
library_source Transcriptomic
library_status Library sequenced
library_strategy ssRNA-seq
library_type stranded mRNA
lifestage adult
location_text Pine Creek Township, Northern Territroy
material_conc_ng_ul 185.8
material_extracted_by Elspeth McLennan; Kate Farquharson
material_extraction_date 2020-12-07
material_extraction_method Qiagen RNeasy Mini Kit with DNAse treatment
material_extraction_type RNA
metadata_revision_date 2023-11-30
metadata_revision_filename 20231130_Sample_metadata_COMBINED-FOR-PORTAL_NOLATLON.xlsx
method_of_determination Genitals
n_libraries_pooled 27.0
order Chiroptera
phenotypic_sex male
phylum Chordata
prior_genetics Genome sequencing
sample_custodian Nicola Hanrahan
sample_id 102.100.100/355624
sample_quality High
scientific_name Macroderma gigas
sequencing_facility UNSW
sequencing_model Illumina NovaSeq 6011
sequencing_platform Illumina
source_population Pine Creek
species gigas
specimen_id MG_PC43
specimen_id_description scientific name acronym_researcher assigned sample ID
state_or_region Northern Territory
taxon_id 9411.0
taxonomic_group Mammal
ticket BPAOPS-1062
tissue_collection Charles Darwin University_Nicola Hanrahan
tissue_number MG_PC43_testis
tissue_preservation RNAlater - Placed in tube with 1ml RNALater,flash frozen in liquid nitrogen, transported on dry ice and stored in -80 freezer
tissue_type Testis
wild_captive wild_caught
work_order 14009