Adamson's blown grass, Reference genome, PacBio-HiFi, leaf

Poaceae, Lachnagrostis adamsonii, 2527655A, Plant, Project Lead: Laura Simmons

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Resource Permissions organization_member_after_embargo:date_of_transfer_to_archive:365:tsi-consortium-members
Access Control Date 2025-03-13
Access Control Mode date
Sequence Data Type pacbio-hifi
access_rights no restrictions
analysis_software SMRT Link Analysis
bait_set_name NA
bait_set_reference NA
bioplatforms_project Threatened Species Initiative
cell_postion B01
certainty certain
class Magnoliopsida
collection_date 2022-12-09
collection_method Plant dug up with shovel and transferred to pot.
collector A.J. Brown, J. Levinson
collector_sample_id AJB3046
common_name Adamson's blown grass
country Australia
data_context Reference genome
data_custodian Laura Simmons
data_type PacBio-HiFi
dataset_id 102.100.100/358865
date_of_transfer 2024-03-13
date_of_transfer_to_archive 2024-03-14
decimal_latitude_public -37.7
decimal_longitude_public 142.63
description Adamson's blown grass (Lachnagrostis adamsonii) (HiFi Revio, additional cell)
dna_treatment SHEARING
experimental_design NA
facility_project_code CAGRF24020344
facility_sample_id 462066.0
family Poaceae
fast5_compression NA
file_type BAM
flowcell_id m84073_240229_045057_s1
flowcell_type SMRT Cell 25M
folder_name 20240313_TSI_AGRF_CAGRF24020344_m84073_240229_045057_s1
genotypic_sex hermaphrodite
genus Lachnagrostis
habitat ephemeral creekline
health_state healthy
insert_size_range 15000.0
institution_name Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
latitude -37.7
library_comments NA
library_construction_protocol Preparing HiFi SMRTbell Libraries using SMRTbell Express Template Prep Kit 2.0
library_id 102.100.100/462066
library_index_id NA
library_index_id_dual NA
library_index_seq_dual NA
library_index_sequence NA
library_layout NA
library_location AGRF
library_ng_ul 300pM
library_oligo_sequence NA
library_oligo_sequence_dual NA
library_pcr_cycles NA
library_pcr_reps NA
library_prep_date 2023-08-18
library_prepared_by Trent Peters
library_selection size fractionation
library_source GENOMIC
library_strategy WGS
library_type PacBio-HiFi
lifestage adult
location_text Eastern Creek, Reedy Creek Station, Wickliffe
longitude 142.63
material_conc_ng_ul 1450.0
material_extracted_by Gareth Holmes
material_extraction_date 2023-03-03
material_extraction_method Standard CTAB with a sorbitol pre-wash.
material_extraction_type DNA
metadata_revision_date 2024-07-11
metadata_revision_filename 20240711_Sample_metadata_COMBINED-FOR-PORTAL_NOLATLON.xlsx
method_of_determination examination under microscope
model_base_caller NA
movie_length 30Hrs
n_libraries_pooled 1.0
order Poales
phenotypic_sex hermaphrodite
phylum Streptophyta
sample_custodian Melbourne Gardens
sample_id 102.100.100/460029
sample_type leaf tissue sample
scientific_name Lachnagrostis adamsonii subsp. adamsonii
scientific_name_authorship Jacobs, 2002
scientific_name_note subspeciation described by Brown, 2015
sequencing_facility AGRF
sequencing_kit_chemistry_version Revio sequencing plate
sequencing_model PacBio Revio
sequencing_platform PACBIO_SMRT
source_population Eastern Creek, Reedy Creek Station, Wickliffe
species adamsonii
specimen_id 2527655A
specimen_id_description National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL)
state_or_region Victoria
subspecies adamsonii
taxon_id 1544614.0
taxonomic_group Plant
ticket BPAOPS-1564
tissue_collection Melbourne Gardens
tissue_collection_type Living Collection
tissue_number MEL2527655A_01
tissue_preservation frozen, pressed sheet
tissue_preservation_temperature -20.0
tissue_type leaf
type_status Representative sample from within distritbution.
wild_captive wild
work_order 14060